BTS 4001- Manual Turn-up System
The BTS 4001 is a compressed air only operated system that requires the operator to apply a six inch length of adhesive to the turn-up tape, insert the tape into the unit, and turn a crank handle to send the tape to the end of an aluminum track on the far side of the paper machine. He then cranks out additional tape for a loop, and turns a selector switch. When he is ready to turn-up he either pushes a button, or a limit switch operates, and the system completes the turn-up. This system has a unique feature of having the full instructions on the front of the unit, so that if operators who are unfamiliar with its operation are set-up to use it, minimal training is required.
The BTS 4001 utilizes a patented aluminum vertical delivery track which will never wear out and require replacement, along with a patented UHMW polyethylene curve section. The vertical delivery of the turn-up tape ensures that the tape does not flip over during the turn-up and cause excessive sheet marking or wrinkling, it is the only system of it’s kind in the World. Unlike “flat track” systems the vertical delivery track ensures that the turn-up tape does not jam if it is slightly “off spec”, which can sometimes occur with import tape products. The BTS 4001 utilizes a simple cam system for feeding the tape to the nip for turn-up, and all of the operation functions are carried out by dedicated air cylinders, no complicated air logic.